Thursday, November 28, 2019

Essay Examples on Russia Essay Example

Essay Examples on Russia Paper 1st Essay Sample on Russia Russian Revolution This essay is about the November 1917 revolution, the events that led up to and contributed to the revolution and Lenin’s role in the revolution. These include the different social, political and economic causes of the Russian Revolution, things such as which social class should lead the uprising, the Mensheviks who wanted to change Russia by a democratic vote and social reform. Lenin’s ideology who and where it came from, if his brothers death had anything to do with his political ideology. The social, political and economic events of November 1917, these include the food shortages and progressively losing the war. The reasons why the revolution was a success and Lenin’s role in that success. The causes of the Russian Revolution start with the problems, when the duma declared the provisional government it took into hands not only the country but its problems as well, because the government inherited the economic problems it put a great strain on the country’s resources thus affecting its performance to run the country properly. The decision by the government to continue the war effort was not like by the people, the reason why Kerensky wanted to keep Russia in the war was so that when they won the war he would be re-elected. During this time many of the political parties that had been working underground finally came to the surface, the main contenders were the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. 2nd Essay Sample on Russia 1. Catherine II (the Great).The successor of the sickly Peter III, Catherine II was his wife until his suspected murder and she took the throne in 1762.Although she made no great reforms in Russian society, she gathered many friends by her death in 1796. Catherine had to keep the nobility pleased at all times because if she didnt she could be dethroned easily. Because of this she carried out very few social reforms. Russia continued to follow an economic growth that Peter that Great had started.She tried to remove trade barriers, and assisted in expanding the middle class, which helped trade. Catherine IIs great addition to Russia was the land she gained, she was able to add more territory to Russia than had been in nearly a century before her. While nothing very important was achieved during Catherines rule, she acquired valuable friends that proved to be useful in the future of Russia. Alexander I.The successor of Paul I and the grandson of Catherine the Great, Alexander I spent t he early part of his rule attempting to reform the administering body of the government.The reforms he initiated here brought about a much better trained group of officials. After the Napoleonic Wars, Alexander I was in charge of the reconstruction of much of the land along the route to the French invasion, this caused a expansion in the textile business, which boosted the economy. The major flaw of Alexander I was the way that he put down the attempt for freedom by society.After the wars, many of the people had become self-confident in their beliefs, and when peacetime came, they began to express them.Because of this, Alexander I placed even more restrictions on societys freedom, and ended up sparking the creation of numerous secret societies, which were against the government. Nicholas I. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Russia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Russia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Russia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

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